Old Join Us

You may join Farm Fresh Ontario as either as a Full Member or an Business Member. Membership has many benefits.

Farm Fresh Ontario is working for you

  • The voice for Ontario on-farm market and agri-tainment operations.
  • Ten newsletters a year, filled with marketing tips and OFFMA updates, delivered to your door.
  • The FFO office responds to consumer phone and e-mail requests.
  • The FFO office works with various levels of government on Farm Marketing issues.
  • Coordination of the Direct Farm Sales Session at the Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Convention.
  • Free access to FFO classifieds in newsletter and on website.

Advertising Opportunities

  • Listing in “Harvest Ontario” directory and website including OFFMA-only icons for bakery, activities, mazes, food service, and group functions.
  • Reduced rates on enhanced ads in Harvest Ontario.
  • Listing on FFO’s consumer friendly web site.

Networking and Learning Opportunities

  • Reduced rates and members-only workshops and seminars.
  • Annual Bus Tour of on-farm marketing and agri-tainment operations.
  • Rentals from the Audio and Video Tape Library.
  • Annual Product Sale of farm marketing resource materials.
  • Free subscription to Fruit and Vegetable Magazine.
  • Access to a Marketing Consultant for on-farm visits.
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Marketing Opportunities

  • Participate in the Farmers’ Markets at Nathan Phillips Square and Metro Hall.
  • Increase your profile by selling at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.
  • Membership sign program.

Social Events

  • Annual Pot Luck Social and tour of an FFO members’ farm.
  • Awards Dinner honouring business excellence in our industry.